With pedestrian fatalities rising nationwide, the urgent need for safer roadways has never been more…

Residents show their support of Operation Best Foot Forward

During February’s Enforcement, people – some walking and some even driving – came out in support of the program. We are so grateful for the residents who are invested in their communities and keeping the neighborhoods pedestrian safe.
Here’s what we heard from residents:
At Pine Hills and El Trio – A young man stopped to ask if we were with the police and what was happening. We explained about the enforcement and he said that it was needed along the road.
At Edgewater Drive and Shady Lane – A woman driving her vehicle stopped to thank us for doing the enforcement. She told us about problems she has in the area. She also asked it was possible to put in crosswalk signals and the plastic signage in the middle of the road. Because of the road’s setup/design, it isn’t, which we explained, but it was great that she was thinking in that direction.
There were also more walkers – a couple with a dog and a man by himself – who stopped and spoke about drivers who don’t stop. Also a man who was making a right-hand turn and gave us a thumbs up as he stopped for Sgt. Ruth to cross.
At Mercy Drive and Kalwit Lane – A man walking his dog stopped to thank the police for their presence. Another couple were walking and crossing the street and spoke with the police, thanking them for the presence and complaining about the drivers not stopping to let them cross.
A cyclist also approached us to ask about the program and was appreciative of our efforts considering he walks and bikes in the community every day.
At International and Austrian – A couple thanked us for being out there and said great job about the undercover officer, because they didn’t know he was a cop until afterwards. The couple also added that they use the crosswalks and when others don’t they get nervous.
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