With pedestrian fatalities rising nationwide, the urgent need for safer roadways has never been more…

$2,700,000 for Covering the “Tedious, Dull, & Monotonous”
Pedestrian – it’s well, very pedestrian. Friends at Webster Dictionary define pedestrian as “lacking inspiration or excitement; dull.” It’s no wonder that no man, woman or child looks in the mirror and says; “I’m a PED!” This was reinforced just a few weeks ago in Winter Garden. A neighbor shared that he is “not a pedestrian because he drives and bikes for fun” — even though he walks to lunch daily.
The good news is that PEDS are not boring, according to our local news. To prove it, try $2.7 million. That’s the value placed on the news stories BFF generated since it launched in 2012. If BFF were to pay for these stories (aka Advertising), we’re talking millions.
Try 13 million. That’s the estimated number of eyeballs who saw, liked, engaged via Facebook since 2012.
This is not what we call dull. There’s more.
More 2015 Numbers
TV, print, radio impressions: 842 million
Operation Best Foot Forward (since 2012)
Warnings: 4,012
Citations: 2,187
Crosswalks Enforced & Measured
2013 – 14 crosswalks
2014 – 30 crosswalks
2015 – 29 crosswalks
2016 – 18 crosswalks
People Driving & Yielding to People Walking (2012 – 2015)
42% increase in yield rates on roads 35 mph and less
19% increase in yield rates on roads 40 mph and higher
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